Haha Calaz nyangwe airwara day iri but mutambo anopedza and akabata basa . Master H is good paLive performance but not kusvika palevel raCalaz aiwa makata but pane future
Lol...can't argue with any1 tt Master H is the M O M but wen it comes to stage performance hmmmm nyana ...ndozvakarambwa neNgwere kuisa Andy muridzo paclash naCapleton
The Only equal Match to Boss Yalla was Sauro....when sauro died Calaz had no Match in the Zimdancehall industry. BUT THEIR FATHER IS THE BIGMAN WINKY D
Master H Mwana Kuna Yalanation ,,,Calaz arikungopa intro then mafans oimba zvawo
Haha Calaz nyangwe airwara day iri but mutambo anopedza and akabata basa . Master H is good paLive performance but not kusvika palevel raCalaz aiwa makata but pane future
Mambo vacalaz ndimakuruwani chete
Hoyooo bandit ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤More love chibaba ichoo Master H ayita mutete😂😂
Mambo ndimambo ❤boss yala
Nyangwe vakarara
Performance comparison, Alsong it is live show and calaz no man can stand a chance
G.O.A.T now I know different between number 1 and 2 # wagwizi
Calaz anga ayenda kunzonzwa mafans ake😂😅😅😅
Bandits Mature Performance...that's real ...am coming soon
Bandit muhombe boys
Uyu ndiking for real 👑
Yala nation🔥🔥🔥
One bhangwela anopedza takazvitenderana izvo❤❤❤❤❤❤
Master H haasvike chero Kuna Dhadza naKinnah ano8mba ch8popai
Siyanai naye T one ...what a splendid performance
Haa master mwana u cant deny thatsiyanai Nate Tawanda😅
Calaz yut maad ever on live ,liason to the crowd does backing n lead vocals
Haaaa Tawanda mukuru# bhanditi to the fullest
Master h moto wegehena💥💥
One Bhangwela
One Tawanda
Tawanda mubhanditi
Mambo ndimambo guys ❤
Calaz does not even finish a verse when performing live. Ma fans ndo anenge akungoimba kkkk
Anobvumirana neni kuti aikunda calaz stage akafa let's gather here
Vaindimisa vakasifa kare 🥳
True Sauro
calaz muhombe uyu
If I say master yu say🎤???? Atah 🔥🔥🔥🔥say bosoooooooo bantit ndibaba 🤜🤛
The reason why I left this comment I know tino Nigel will be here oneday
Boss Yala!!
Kkkk haana kana kuimba kkkk boss yala ma fans bhora 🎉❤❤❤❤
Siyayi mwana ayenda
Ana Seh Calaz amadzitateguru e Zimdancehall kaa aya🔥🔥
Kkkk hoyo
Calaz to the fellest
Aaaa claz muhombe boys
Anonzi Calaz uyoo hatina zera naye boiz rangu
Master H unogona hako but Seh Calaz apa ndimukoma wako
Bhanditi world❤ master h anogona but calaz ndibaba vake
Tribal to Callaz his performance is so deep and Emotional
Tawanda ataura wani kuti aimumisa akafa ..He was only second to sauro
Haaah siyanana nazvo izvo master h aita mwana kuna tawanda experience muchigame
Yalah ndi boss
Haaa musaenzanisa calaz nezvisina basa
Mbare boys ma one
Master H ngaamboshanda
Haazi mafunnies imagine standing pamberi pevanhu vachikuimbira masongz ako until they sweat wakamira 😂😂😂
Haaa panga pasangana zvibaba apa
Calaz ❤❤❤
Haaa bhanditi muhombe gyz
Muhombe 🔥💯
Usaenzenise Calaz netunhu tisina basa
Kkk ehoyi
Bro keep the work and you just gained a new subscription
Mabhanditi lets gather here
Mambo ndimambo
Calaz stage performance haaa munhu mukuru
National anthem 💪💪 bhandit ropedxa
ndokumbirawo mu combare bhandit nevamwe vanhu wezera rake akafa
@@percymarima9140 kkk hakuna zvakadaro
Boss Yala ukoo vakatisiyaa tatyokaa nekunakirwa 😅😅😅😅
🤣🤣makatyoka here
Bandity to the world❤
stop comparing munhu akaimba Nana Jah luv Na Master h waizvezvi
Sir vahombe munozviziva henyu but munekanwe kakuvarairwa so @sehcalaz to the pipo bhanditi renyika
Ah ndaisaketa kuti calaz anopedza so😹😹
Mungaenzanisawo calaz na ne Mwana here, musadarooo
😅😅😅sorry zvenyu
Lol...can't argue with any1 tt Master H is the M O M but wen it comes to stage performance hmmmm nyana ...ndozvakarambwa neNgwere kuisa Andy muridzo paclash naCapleton
Kkkk 🤣
Handina hangu akawanda ndinongoti .......#HUCHI
Jealous Down Seh Calaz Stage Ma One Zvake💥
Anopedzaa uyu
Mambo ndimambo kana magara moudzana ikko.
Ana bhanditi vakutotemba kuunganidzirwa vanhu nana Master H ivo vega zvakutorema izvi
Uri bharanz akakoka mumwe ndiani??
Aiwa bhanditi iBhanditi.....Master H but pana Tawanda pa live mutete
Boss yalaa
Uuuumm bhanditi ma1❤
Calaz ari humble aaaaah
Kkk haaa guy's master h mwana
Jnr spragga ndiye trible chief we Conquering vamwe vese vana vaspragga dkt dai matotsvaga henyu Mukomana vamwe vese imongoro 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Haaa calaz mudhara wavoo vesee ndatii
Tawanda ma1 respect is earned you've earned mine bhanditi though I'm still conquering fam🖖🖖🖖
Wonzwa rimwe richiti Tawaz apera
One TAWANDA muhombe
Calaz akauraya
The Only equal Match to Boss Yalla was Sauro....when sauro died Calaz had no Match in the Zimdancehall industry. BUT THEIR FATHER IS THE BIGMAN WINKY D
This is not Dancehall anymore...isungura iyi
Ngoma dzaCalaz dziri mubhonzo semongo💥💥💥💥
Bandit renyika
Haaaa tawanda boiz
Boss yala kumberi
Bandit Boss
😮😂 mauto lest do it now
Bhanditi muhombe .. one Bhangwela
On this day calaz was not feeling well but isimudza chaunga
Master H anogona paStage asi musamuCompare naCalaz, mwana nyangwe akaita number 1 muClass Teacher ndiTeacher!!!!
Horait 😅
Calaz kumari
Bandit extra miles ❤
Maaaaaaster H
Banditi to the world
When fans payed to sing for you
Bho bho bho Seh calaz akuda kumbokandwa mukati nekuti bandit ririkuuraya vana saka
Seh calaz musiyei akadaro 🔥🔥🔥 anodiwa nema ghetto yuts munhu uyu
Master H anoda more 10yrs kusvika Pana Tawanda😂🤣😂
Calaz ndi baba
Yala akauraya 🇬🇧
Calaz uchipo
boss yalaaaa
Boss tawanda
calaz akapedza
Master H vakapisikwa
Sauro Sauroooo
Bhanditi to the world